Alicia Calzada
Alicia Calzada is the Deputy General Counsel for the National Press Photographers Association. As an attorney, Alicia has represented a broad range of print, electronic, and television organizations as well as individual journalists and photographers on a variety of matters and in litigation involving defamation, First Amendment, and copyright infringement.
In addition, she counsels journalism clients on social media, drone use, open government, and contract issues. While representing the NPPA, she advocates for members through legislative efforts, litigation, amicus briefs, educational efforts, and cooperation with other groups that support NPPA’s mission.
Prior to becoming an attorney, Alicia was a photojournalist for two decades, both as a staff photographer and as a self-employed photographer managing a small business and creating images for a variety of magazines, newspapers and corporate clients.
Alicia is a former president of the NPPA and is the founder and chair of NPPA’s Advocacy Committee and helped NPPA launch a variety of initiatives including the NPPA Short Grants and the NPPA Cost-of-Doing Business Calculator. In 2013, the NPPA Board of Directors introduced the Alicia Calzada First Amendment Award recognizing individuals that have supported advocacy work in First Amendment freedoms.